Saturday, July 20, 2013

Converting Photos to Black & White

Thought I'd do a little more B&W this time around.  I posted some black and white photos in April but haven't done any more until recently.

The photos that appear here were converted using Adobe Lightroom 5.  I've made no study of B&W at all but have simply manipulated the sliders until the scene reflected how I felt and the mood of the day when taking the photo.  Speaking of manipulating the sliders, there are a lot of different choices concerning which to move, how much, and what direction (left or right).  I use the B&W function under the Develop module as opposed to just moving the Saturation slider all the way to the left.  That is just the start.  From there I'll use most of the different functions contained within the Develop module to arrive at the finished photo.  But, since I'm still learning there's always room for doing things different.

I have, however, just started reading The Negative by Ansel Adams and am finding it very interesting and informative so we'll see what lies ahead as I continue to practice.  I hope you'll let me know what you think of these.  Do you like them or not and why?  Do they create a mood for you and is it positive or not?  Of course, some of that may depend on the mood you're in already when viewing these so let's hope you're in a good place.  : )  I will say that I don't like all that is shown here.  Some I like, some I don't.  So I'm curious if what you like and don't like line up with mine.

By the way, as an aside - some of these where shot using the Nikon D600 which I always shoot in RAW and others of these were shot with the Panasonic DMC -ZS7 which is a little point & shoot that records only in jpeg.  I hope you enjoy.

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